'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아

Hangul 4

#. 05 What is "Forgot" in Korean? [파파고도 모르는 한국어, IT IS REAL KOREAN]

❌ Don't say "잊다(forgot)" anymore! ❌ ✅ It's time to say "까먹었다(forgot)" ✨ Hello everyone. Here we introduce the Korean expressions used 24/7 in real life. Today’s expression, ‘까먹었다' is a informal word which can be use when you forgot something. Are you ready for being a native Korean? Keep your eyes on the following posts of @joinuskorea 😊 🌱Comment below the words you'd like to learn more🌱 source:..

#. 02 What is "CRAVE FOR" in Korean? [파파고도 모르는 한국어, IT IS REAL KOREAN]

Hello everyone. This is 2nd series of [파파고도 모르는 한국어, IT IS REAL KOREAN]! Here we introduce the Korean expressions used 24/7 in real life. Today’s expression, ‘~땡긴다’ has meaning, not only pulling something but also craving for something. Are you ready for being a native Korean? Keep your eyes on the following posts of @joinuskorea 😊 🌱Comment below the words you'd like to learn more🌱 source: 유퀴즈온더..

#. 01 What is "FAIR ENOUGH" in Korean? [파파고도 모르는 한국어, IT IS REAL KOREAN]

Hello everyone. The series, [파파고도 모르는 한국어, IT IS REAL KOREAN] finally starts! Here we introduce the Korean expressions used 24/7 in real life. Today’s expression, ‘그럴 수 있지’ will be the magic words finalizing the controversial conversation peacefully. Are you ready for being a native Korean? Keep your eyes on the following posts of @joinuskorea 😊 🌱Comment below the words you'd like to learn more🌱..