'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아

프로그램 소식/jokorean4u Posts 184

김치는 익어야 제맛이야🌶️

Every year in Korea, November 22 is "Kimchi Day", which means that each ingredient in kimchi (November) represents 22 different things (22 days) 🌶️ It's fascinating how the flavors deepen as you wait for the kimchi to ferment 😋 The correct answer to the quiz is 2) 깍두기! Now that you've taken the quiz, why not continue with Korean level test and try for a higher score? You can take the level tes..

1-on-1 Korean Language Mastery: Customized Learning at Your Convenience✏️

Hello, JOINUS KOREA, a vibrant NGO dedicated to language and culture, warmly invites you to our exciting event: Korean Class 📚  Whether you’re eager to learn the Korean language, delve into the rich tapestry of Korean culture, or prepare for the TOPIK test, our classes are designed just for you! ✏️ Why join us? 🌟 1:1 personalized lessons at your level 🌟 Anytime, anywhere, online or, offline ?..

"귀신이 곡 할 노릇이네..👻"

As October comes to a close, are you ready for Halloween 👻? Find the Halloween-related words at the end of the video! Warning⚠️ Maybe someone's watching from inside the pumpkin... 🎃👀 Thanks for joining us 😊❣️ 10월이 저물어가는 가운데, 할로윈을 맞이할 준비는 되셨나요?👻 영상 마지막 화면에서 할로윈 관련 단어를 찾아보세요! 경고⚠️ 호박 속에서 누군가 지켜보고 있을지도… 🎃👀 함께 해주셔서 감사합니다 😊❣️#learningKorean⁣⁣ #OpenKoreanClass #KoreanClass #KoreanLanguage #1on..

"너는 마지막 반전을 예상했니?" 🎥💫

In October, the peak of fall, a variety of cultural events are held each year to capture the spirit of the season.Among them, the third Saturday in October is Culture Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness and participation in the arts!To celebrate Culture Day, why not check out a movie or exhibition you've always wanted to see?🎥 Thanks for joining us 😊❣️ 가을의 절정인 10월이 되면, 계절의 정서에 맞게 매년 다양한 ..

World Mental Health Day 2024.10.10🍀

Every year on October 10th, we celebrate 'World Mental Health Day' to raise awareness of the importance of mental health and to combat stigma around mental illness 🍀Change starts with one small step. Take that first step today! Also, we've refreshed our content based on a survey we conducted last week💖 Thank you for your valuable participation🫶 Thank you for joining us 😊❣️ 매년 10월10일은 정신건강의 중..

📘한국어 교육 입문자를 위한 특강 : 한 번에 끝내는 학기 운영: 학생 맞춤형 강의 전략 3단계💙 (무료!) (10/6,13,20)

안녕하세요, 언어문화NGO 조인어스코리아입니다. 조인어스코리아는 한국어 교육 프로그램 활동가 분들에게 실질적인 도움을 드리고자 한국어 교육 전문가를 연사로 모셔 관련 정보를 공유하는 특별 강연(무료)을 개최합니다! ​ 이번 강연에서는 기초 수업 준비, 목표에 맞는 커리큘럼 및 교재 선정, 기능별 학습 평가 등 구체적인 지도 방안을 다루고 학기의 운영 시기에 맞춰 3단계 시리즈로 특강을 진행하고자 합니다. 강연은 ZOOM을 통한 비대면 형식으로 진행될 예정입니다! ​ - 연사:  김지학 / 한국어교육학 박사/ 에듀윌 한입토픽 저자 ​ 1. 참가 대상: 한국어 교육자, 한국어 교육에 관심 있으신 분 누구나 2. 일시: (약 2시간 진행) / Q&A 포함 (1) 10/06 (일) 저녁 8시 (2) 10/13 ..

Content Improvement Survey 콘텐츠 개선 설문✍️

https://bit.ly/survey1minutesHello, How was your Chuseok? 🌕 In this content, we'd like to hear your valuable feedback.👂Please fill out this short survey, and we'll use your input to help us improve our content.We're going to raffle off some quality group swag to those who answer.🎁Your participation will be very helpful, so we hope you'll take part!* Survey due: September 30 Thank you for join..

"International Day of Clean Air for blue skies"

"International Day of Clean Air for blue skies" - YouTube‘International Day of Clean Air for blue skies’ is celebrated every year on September 7th, led by South Korea. ☁️ The day is intended to raise awareness of air pollution, inspire action for cleaner air, and strengthen international cooperation. 🩵 In honor of Blue Sky Day, what are some things we can do? Learn Korean expressions and start ..

"새학기 준비 완료?"

It's September, the start of a new semester. 🍁✏️ New learning opportunities and exciting moments with friends await.📚 We've put together our content to help you get ready for the new semester! Learn some useful Korean expressions for your school life and have a great new semester together!💪 Thank you for joining us 😊❣️ 새 학기가 시작되는 9월이 다가왔습니다. 🍁✏️ 새로운 배움의 기회와 친구들과의 설렘 가득한 순간들이 기다리고 있습니다. 📚 새..