'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아

겨울 3

EPISODE 4: 🥰 귀여워! What are these ducks?; Snowfall Ritual: Snow Ducks!

JK original contents ver2. will deliver information about Korean Culture, Language, and Life Hack linked to K-POP! Are you finishing up this year well? We are already approaching the last month of 2023. It snowed for the first time(첫눈) in Korea a few days ago! Are you curious about what people do when it snows in Korea? Today’s episode is about the playing in Korea when it snows ❄️☃️ You can eas..

Can use same 단어 in different 상황?

Have you ever heard about 동음이의어(homonyms)? 🤔 There are many homonyms in Korean. For example, 배 can express belly, ship, and pear. 😮 And also this word is homonyms too!! Guess the words in the blank 😎 "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO MULTILINGUAL KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE & SHARING COMMUNITY JOINUS KOREA is the biggest NGO in Korea which has 20 linguistic spheres members called 'Language Culture Knowled..

EPISODE 3: 앗 뜨거!! 그래도 붕어빵은 맛있어; Fish-shaped Pastries with no fish?

JK original contents ver2. will deliver information about Korean Culture, Language, and Life Hack linked to K-POP! Today’s episode is about the Korean favorite 겨울 간식 ☃️🍠 and the expression related to this food. Are you curious about which snack is it? And do you want to know what REAL Koreans say when someone looks super similar to each other? As the weather gets cold, on the street you definite..