We'd like to thank everyone who has been with us throughout 2024🧡 It's been a warm and meaningful time. Tag someone you'd like to remember in the comments~ We hope you have a warm and healthy holiday season🔥
올해 연말은 누구랑 보내시나요?
2024년 한 해 동안 함께해 주신 모든 분들께 감사의 인사를 드립니다🧡 덕분에 더욱 따뜻하고 의미 있는 시간이었습니다. 댓글에 함께 기억하고 싶은 사람을 태그해주세요~ 남은 시간도 따뜻하고 건강한 연말 보내시길 바랍니다🔥 함께 해주셔서 감사합니다 😊❣️
More Than Language & Culture 👩❤👨 JOINUS KOREA (SEOUL City Certified Language & Culture NGO)
"다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO
JOINUS KOREA is the biggest NGO in Korea which has 20 linguistic spheres members called 'Language Culture Knowledge Exchange Activists without Borders' (JOKOER). It is a purely non-profit private diplomacy organization that operates a Multilingual & Multicultural knowledge hub community that interacts with people all around the world through the knowledge.