Title: include residence of ward unit +language that you want to learn&city you want to go
ex. Hello (Busan city, Jin- gu) Greek/ Santorini!
Please be sure to write in the right regional section :Before you upload your content, please check that your cafe nickname is written under the real name of Korean.
* Self-Itroduction questions are organized with questions about your past/present/future.
Not only just fill the blank out, the reason for the answer is also important.
Activist Introduction Form
Activist Introduction
🔸 What is your favorite movie/ anime/ book/ music(song) of all time!?
🔸 Who was past role model / person you want to resemble or admired(respected) & what was the reason..?
🔸 Do you have a motto or favorite phrase & what does that mean..?
🔸 Is there any knowhow/ special anti-stress remedy/ know-how of your own ...?
🔸 If you can have one ‘special’ super power that others don’t have, what do you want? And what is the reason...?
🔸 Is there your own superior strengths/specialties (whether it’s trivial or it’s recognized by others) ?
🔸 Your unique life bucket lists (Things you want to do before you die), or roman...? (within 3)
🔸 Things you want gain from this activity from now on & A word you want to leave behind?
🔸 Question that you want to add in this Activist Introduction & what is your answer and reason of that question.... ? (Activist Introduction can be improved with your opinion.)
🔸 Please show the picture that represent your characteristic (your heyday?!), or some amazing image makes you feel good just looking at that you found these days (with sources)
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*** Please upload the image, not copy and paste, for a thumbnail.
* Is there any reason for choosing this picture ........... ? ☞
(Please upload the image after specify the cursor in upper side↑↑ )
* Please uncheck Naver search permission from the Search Settings.
Insincere posts may be deleted if they are not modified after the first recommendation.
※ If you write an Activist introduction and add welcome comments to other members' posts 5 times, you will automatically be promoted to a general member.
If the deletion of Activist Introduction is confirmed, permanent withdrawal action will be taken.
JOINUS KOREA is an NGO whose members include 'Borderless Language and Culture Knowledge Exchange Activist'(JOKOER) from 20 language regions in Korea. This is a non-profit private diplomacy organization that operates a multilingual and multicurtural knowledge hub community that interacts with people around the world through knowledge.
<<<<<< End of the form to copy
"다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO
JOINUS KOREA is the biggest NGO in Korea which has 20 linguistic spheres members called 'Language Culture Knowledge Exchange Activists without Borders' (JOKOER). It is a purely non-profit private diplomacy organization that operates a Multilingual & Multicultural knowledge hub community that interacts with people all around the world through the knowledge.