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프로그램 소식/jokorean4u Posts 194

Korean Slang Ep.001 - Live Simple :)

Have you ever heard this Korean word before? ‘복세편살’ is abbreviation of ‘복잡한 세상 편하게 살자’ and it means ‘Let’s just live simply in this complex world’. 😸 You can use it whenever you want to console your friend, or tell your values. Do you guys have a similar word in your country? Please share us in the comment section below 🌱 "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO MULTILINGUAL KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE & SHARING..

Onomatopoeia & Mimic words Ep.002 - My Stomach is growling!

Hello Everyone! Today's topic is 💙onomatopoeia & mimic words💙 The word of the day is '꼬르륵’It is used to describe sound of a stomach when hungry. It can be used to describe a situation that the stomach is making noises.😉 For example, you can say “배에서 꼬르륵 소리가 나” when you are too hungry and stomach makes a growling sound.Do you have a similar word in your own language?Please share them down in the ..

Korean Proverb Ep.001: You should speak nicely to get a nice reply!

Hello hello! Today we're going to tell you about a popular Korean proverb 😉 Have you ever encountered a situation when a person talks to you in a very rude manner? You don't really feel like being nice toward them because of their rudeness😡 In such situation you can say "가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱지!" meaning "You need to speak nicely to get a nice reply in return!" Do you guys have a similar saying in yo..

Onomatopoeia & Mimic words Ep.001

Hello Everyone! Today's topic is 💙onomatopoeia & mimic words💙 The word of the day is '엉금엉금' It is used to describe the slow and dull movement of a four-legged creature. It can be used to describe both humans and animals, and sometimes even machines🤭 For example, we can describe a turtle's movements as 엉금엉금🐢 Do you have a similar word in your own language? Please share them down in the comment se..