'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아
프로그램 소식/jokorean4u Posts

"Hidden Korean Summer Survival TIPS"

조인어스코리아 2024. 7. 19. 17:00

Half of 2024 has already passed, and July is here :)
July brings both heatwaves and the rainy season, but it also includes the unmissable Sambok days 🥵
This time, we've prepared content about "Sambok (삼복/ 三伏)"!
Sambok is a Korean tradition marking the hottest days of summer.
It focuses on boosting energy with nourishing foods during this time.
Everyone, enjoy some healthy food and have an energetic week~!

Thank you for joining us 😊❣️





 "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO


JOINUS KOREA is the biggest NGO in Korea which has 20 linguistic spheres members called 'Language Culture Knowledge Exchange Activists without Borders' (JOKOER). It is a purely non-profit private diplomacy organization that operates a Multilingual & Multicultural knowledge hub community that interacts with people all around the world through the knowledge.